European College of Equine Internal Medicine

Registration open: 7th ECEIM Resident Virtual Summer School


Vetmeduni Vienna August 9th-13th, 2021

Under these exceptional circumstances, we are happy to announce that this year`s ECEIM Resident Summer School will be organized as a virtual event by Vetmeduni Vienna!

The online lectures will be presented by Diplomates of various colleges and will cover recent topics in equine internal medicine. Among these are sports medicine, neurology, gastrointestinal diseases, neonatology, epidemiology, exam preparation… and many more!

Registration is not limited to ECEIM residents since we also invite residents enrolled with other colleges to join our Summer School. We plan on making the Virtual Summer School a memorable event with the chance to get to know one other and the lecturing Diplomates.


Be prepared for lots of interesting lectures as well as some social activities :-)

We are looking forward to welcoming you to this unique virtual experience!

Registration and payment

Please transfer the fee of 45 €

before the June 1st, 2021 deadline to the following bank account:

Name: Vetmeduni Vienna
IBAN: AT 74 1200 0514 3090 0401
Reference: SLN1312101 + YOUR NAME

Registration form (Word)

Please send a proof of payment and the completed registration form to:
You will be provided with further information once we have received your payment.

Further information on the detailed program and how to get access to the online lectures will be provided at the end of July. Please note that we cannot accept applications for the Summer School beyond the deadline!