West Nile virus alert in Europe

Europe is experiencing a surge in West Nile virus cases among which are horses. Monthly case numbers reported exceed those of the last 10 years according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The virus, an orthoflavivirus transmitted through mosquito bites, poses significant risks not only to animals but also to humans. The ECDC is closely monitoring the outbreak, mentioning in their latest reports (September 20204) outbreaks in equids in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, and Greece. Human outbreaks are additionally recorded in Albania, Romania, Serbia, Türkiye, Croatia, , Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Slovenia, Slovakia and North Macedonia.
Veterinarians and horse owners should remain vigilant, as equids are susceptible to potential severe infections, even though the majority of equids experience a subclinical or asymptomatic course of the infection. West Nile virus neuroinvasive disease is a notifiable disease, meaning any suspected or confirmed cases in horses should be reported to local veterinary authorities. Several registered vaccines are available in Europe. Staying informed and following local guidelines can help protect both equine and public health.
For more information, check the ECDC website and local health updates.
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