Mechanisms of disease
The equine immune system
a) The resident must understand basic immunologic processes including immunoglobulin structure and function, innate and adaptive immunity, acute inflammatory responses, complement activation, hypersensitivity responses, anaphylaxis, passive transfer, immunity to infectious agents, immunodeficiencies and tests of immune function.
Mechanisms of infectious disease:
a) The resident must be familiar with normal versus abnormal flora, disease development in response to infections (bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic), common pathogens (bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic) in horses, normal host response to pathogens, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infection with common pathogens.
b) The resident must be aware of drug resistance, understand how to implement basic husbandry management, individual and herd health care (vaccinations, parasitic monitoring and treatment) protocols to minimise development and spread of infectious disease. The resident must be familiar with general biosecurity as a preventative measure and how to respond to an active outbreak of a contagious disease.
c) The resident must be familiar with the World Organisation for Animal Health (e.g., Office International des Epizooties [OIE]) rules and regulations including reportable diseases for equids and regulations for national and international transport of horses, regulations for common sporting events (vaccinations, drug testing and withdrawal requirements).