Required training rotations in related disciplines
a) The equivalent of at least two weeks in direct contact with an EBVS/ABVS recognised specialist in veterinary anaesthesiology (ECVAA/ACVAA) assisting with equine general anaesthesia and attending clinical conferences and/or seminars. The resident will record the dates and the name, qualifications and institution of the specialist. The specialist may be contacted by the ECC for confirmation.
b) The equivalent of at least two weeks in direct contact with an EBVS/ABVS recognised specialist in veterinary clinical pathology (ECVCP/ACVP) reviewing cytology slides and biopsies, evaluating clinical pathology results and attending clinical pathologic conferences and/or seminars. The resident will record the dates and the name, qualifications and institution of the specialist. The specialist may be contacted by the ECC for confirmation.
One of the two weeks' requirement can be provided by an equivalent online course (CPD 40 hours) given by an EBVS/ABVS recognised specialist in Veterinary Clinical Pathology with the focus on equids. For approval of the course(s) by the ECC, a programme of the course (including the content and responsible Diplomates) and a certificate of attendance must be available upon request.
c) The equivalent of at least one week in direct contact with an EBVS/ABVS recognised specialist in veterinary pathology (ECVP/ACVP) conducting gross and morbid pathology and attending clinical pathologic conferences and/or seminars. The resident will record the dates and the name, qualifications and institution of the specialist. The specialist may be contacted by the ECC for confirmation.
d) The equivalent of at least four weeks in direct contact with an EBVS/ABVS recognised specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (ECVDI/ACVR) interpreting radiographs, learning and evaluating the results of special imaging techniques and attending radiology rounds and/or seminars. This period must include exposure to ultrasonography, scintigraphy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). The resident will record the dates and the name, qualifications and institution of the specialist. The specialist may be contacted by the ECC for confirmation.
Up to two weeks of direct contact with an EBVS/ABVS recognised specialist veterinary diagnostic imaging can be replaced by an alternative equivalent as described below:
1. An online course(s) (CPD 80 hours) given by an EBVS/ABVS recognised specialist in veterinary diagnostic imaging with the focus on equids. For approval of the course(s) by the ECC, a programme of the course (including the content and responsible Diplomates) and a certificate of attendance must be available upon request.
2. A digital diagnostic imaging portfolio containing images/videos and the resident’s written interpretation. The details for this are as follows:
- i. Six digital images/videos with a written interpretation of no more than 500 words per case.
- ii. Of the six images/videos, three should be radiographs, CT or MRI images and three should be ultrasounds, all of different cases.
- iii. Of the six images/videos, two should be images/videos of the abdomen, two of the thoracic cavity and two of the head/neck area.
- iv. Every image/video submitted must be obtained from a different case listed in the case log.
- v. The submitted images must be from cases that have not been seen during the two weeks spent in direct contact with the EBVS/ABVS recognised specialist in veterinary diagnostic imaging (ECVDI/ACVR).
- vi. Each written interpretation must include details (name, qualifications, institution) of an EBVS/ABVS recognised specialist in veterinary diagnostic imaging (ECVDI/ACVR) or the supervising Diplomate, confirming that the case and the images were thoroughly discussed.
e) The equivalent of at least two weeks in direct contact with an EBVS/ABVS recognised specialist in equine internal medicine, intensive care or anaesthesiology during which the resident participates in emergency care/critical care/neonatal care and attends clinical rounds and/or seminars. In institutions in which the general medicine service includes intensive care, it is acceptable that the resident spends this rotation in their home institution. In these cases, at least two weeks in critical care must be added to the minimally required 93 weeks of training in equine internal medicine. The resident will record the dates, the specialist's name, qualifications and institution. The specialist may be contacted by the ECC for confirmation.
f) The equivalent of at least two weeks training can be spent on a freely chosen topic according to the specific interest of the resident. This may include but is not restrictive to working in a clinical and/or commercial laboratory, spending time in a veterinary-based company or upskilling in business/management/finance/media,/policy/marketing, teaching etc... A short reflection or summary of no more than 300 words must be written by the resident regarding the location, content and learning objectives of the rotation.
g) Attendance of at least one ECEIM Summer School during the residency-training programme is required.
h) Attendance of at least one online Research Skills workshop (scientific writing, statistics, epidemiology etc...) is required during the residency-training programme. Proof of attendance should be available upon request.