Call for Abstracts (now expired)
The deadline for abstract submission passed on the 11th JUNE 2022, 23.59.
Further submissions will not be accepted.
Presentation format
The ECEIM invites submission of research presentations in two formats:
- Oral presentations
- Poster presentations
Abstracts for oral presentations will be included in the main program and are limited to 12 minutes followed by 3 minutes' discussion.
Papers relating to recent research into any aspect of equine internal medicine will be considered. It is not allowed to submit abstracts on (parts) of research projects that have been previously published, or presented nationally or internationally prior to the ECEIM Congress 2022.
The submission of an abstract implies the author's willingness to present (oral or poster) the abstract at the Congress.
Both diplomates and residents are encouraged to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentation.
Abstract Guidelines
- The abstract should be clearly structured in sections including introduction, methods, results, conclusions, clinical relevance
- An abstract should be max 300 words in length (main body of the abstract excluding title - no references required for the abstract). Longer abstracts may be accepted but 1% of the total score will be lost for each word above the 300 words limit (eg an abstract with 320 words will lose 20% and is highly unlikely to be selected)
- The use of pictures, tables or graphics is discouraged, unless absolutely necessary
- The submission of an abstract implies the author's willingness to present (oral or poster) the abstract at the Congress.
- You may submit as many abstracts as you like.Though only 2 abstract per presenter will generally be accepted. Abstracts should be up to 300 words in length excluding the title and should be organised in sections (introduction, methods, results, discussion, clinical relevance - Aims can be included in the introduction). Longer abstracts will be considered but will be penalised (usually 1% for each word above the 300 word limit).
- All abstracts must be submitted online before 11th June 2022, 23.59h using this webform.
Abstract peer-review process
Abstracts received will be peer-reviewed according to subject categories for scientific content, experimental design, animal welfare, and relevance to equine internal medicine. Decision on acceptance will be notified before July 30th 2022.
You may submit as many abstracts as you like.Though only 2 abstract per author will generally be accepted. Abstracts should be up to 300 words in length including the title and should be organised in sections (introduction, methods, results, discussion, clinical relevance). Longer abstracts will be considered but will be penalised (usually 1% for each word above the 300 limit). Abstracts will be subject to a spell check if the abstract is selected for presentation. The scientific committee might request clarifications or changes to be made to the abstract. All selected abstracts (oral presentations and posters) will be published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine (online version only). Abstracts will also be published in the proceedings of the ECEIM congress. Submission of the abstract constitutes the authors consent to publication. Presenters of accepted abstracts must register for the Congress by the early-bird deadline and attend the congress to present their abstract. Presenters who are unable to attend the congress should arrange another person to present the paper, and notify the organizing committee. If this is not possible the abstract is likely to be rejected.
All resident's presentation qualify for this award - SPEAKERS EXCHANGE with ACVIM
Please make sure to highlight that you are an ECEIM resident in your submission
ECEIM residents are eligible for 'best oral presentation' and/or 'best poster presentation' are eligible dor this award. ECEIM and ACVIM-LA have agreed to exchange resident speakers for their annual meetings. The two residents winning this award (oral and/or poster) at this year's Annual ECEIM Congress will receive financial support to attend the 2023 ACVIM Forum. The support consists of a waived ACVIM congress registration fee and a lump sum (1300EUR) per person to be used exclusively for the 2023 ACVIM Forum. You must be officially enrolled in an ECEIM residency program at the time of abstract submission in order to be eligible for the award. A fraction of the abstract slots (usually 6) will be reserved for ECEIM residents.
To submit your abstract please use the form at this link.