The Board
What and who is the ECEIM Executive Board?
The people in the Executive Board are called “officers” of the ECEIM and are elected by secret ballot by all Diplomates during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The ECEIM Board consists of five ECEIM Diplomates and the immediate Past-President. An officer is elected for a term of three years. As all officers of the College and members of the committees, they serve the College on an honorary basis and receive no payment, except reimbursement of their expenses. The Board holds monthly 1-2 hour online meetings, with two all-day meetings (online or in-person) typically occurring in the spring and again in the autumn, before the AGM which is associated with the annual ECEIM congress. At the two larger meetings, committee chairs and resident representatives are invited to present a summary of activities and any issues to be addressed. In addition to the meetings, the officers of the Board have regular discussions of issues year-round by phone and email.
The Board is the executive group of the College. It considers all the business and policies pertaining to the affairs of the College. The Board is responsible for generating strategic plans and for overseeing the operational delivery of these plans by the various standing committees of the College. It creates committees, appoints committee members, selects the time and place of membership meetings, and determines all College fees (membership application, examinations, registrations etc…). The Board directs the management of funds held by the College and is responsible for receiving and responding to any query raised by an available ECEIM Diplomate and/or resident.
The President is the chair of the ECEIM Board meetings and AGM, and performs all other duties legitimately pertaining to his/her office, such as maintaining contact with ACVIM and other partners. Normally the President is the representative at EBVS meetings.
The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or inability to serve. The Vice-President shall, in general, succeed to the presidency when that office falls vacant. The Vice-President also has several other tasks such as being the liaison to committees, arranging the consensus statement etc.
The Secretary attends to the correspondence of the College; maintains and publishes the annual lists of Diplomates, both practising and non-practising, performs the furthermore usual duties of a secretary and keeps minutes of the College in books or e-format.
The Treasurer does all financial matters and is controlled by an accountant company.
The member is important to broaden the Boards perspectives and actively takes part in discussions and in finding solutions. He/she participates or guides several projects. An example is the congress application procedure, which has been refined and formalised in 2012.