Details of the examination application process - OLD REGULATIONS
Applicants must be suitably prepared to attempt a demanding professional examination that will test a broad range of knowledge and skills and should consult carefully with supervisors, employers and mentors before making an application to sit the examination. The following candidate categories are available.
Category 1a: ECEIM Standard residency-training programme
Applicants who have previously completed a rotating internship (or equivalent), have obtained all the required credentials and are currently in or have completed a standard residency-training programme supervised by a Diplomate or Associate Member of ECEIM may attempt both the General and Certifying papers at one exam round.
The case log and clinical training requirements in internal medicine are required to be completed prior to examination application. In exceptional cases, permission may be granted to provide an extension to complete one of each of the following; Rotations in related disciplines, congress attendance and presentations. These must be completed by September 30th of the year prior to the examination (at the time of the examination entry application) and proof must be provided by that date.
Details of a rotating internship (or equivalent) and a standard residency-training programme are set out in the ECEIM training brochure(pdf).
Category 1b: ECEIM Alternative residency-training programme
Applicants who have previously completed a rotating internship (or equivalent), have obtained all the required credentials and are currently in, or have completed an alternative residency-training programme supervised by a Diplomate or Associate Member of ECEIM may attempt both the General and Certifying papers at one exam round.
The case log and clinical training requirements in internal medicine are required to be completed prior to examination application. In exceptional cases, permission may be granted to provide an extension to complete one of each of the following; Rotations in related disciplines, congress attendance and presentations. These must be completed by September 30th of the year prior to the examination (at the time of the examination entry application) and proof must be provided by that date.
Details of a rotating internship (or equivalent) and an alternative residency-training programme are set out in the ECEIM training brochure(pdf).
Category 1c: General Paper Only
This option is restricted to individuals who have previously completed a rotating internship (or equivalent) and at least 18 months of an ECEIM approved residency-training programme by the 31st of December prior to the year of the examination.
These applicants are entitled to sit the General paper but NOT the Certifying paper.
Individuals who chose to sit the General and Certifying papers in separate years will be required to submit separate exam application and entry forms with associated fees for each paper as listed on the ECEIM website.
Category 2: Internationally recognised specialist or residency-training programme
This option is restricted to individuals who have completed a rotating internship (or equivalent) and have completed an internationally recognised residency-training programme comparable to an ECEIM approved residency-training programme. This category is designed to allow individuals who have completed an ACVIM residency-training programme to sit the ECEIM exam.
Repeat attempts at one or more papers
The rules regarding repeating part or all the examination are set out in the ECEIM Constitution.
Individuals who are repeating one or more exam papers ARE NOT required to submit an exam application form or fee but ARE required to inform the Examination Committee of the intention to take/re-take the exam by September 1st of the year preceding the exam and submit an exam entry form and fee by the 1st of November.
The Exam Entry Form can be obtained on the ECEIM website in your profile page.
√=required for this candidate category, X=not required for this category |
Candidate Category 1a | Candidate Category 1b | Candidate Category 1c | Candidate Category 2 |
Exam application form and fee (see above) | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Confidential letters of support from supervisor | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Candidate Enrolment Form with confirmation of internship (or equivalent) | √ | √ | √ | X |
ECEIM Residents Appraisal Confirmation statements(s) | minimum 2 statements | minimum 2 statements | minimum 2 statements | X |
Completed ECEIM Residents Documentation Pack | √ | √ | √ | X |
Case log with signatures | √ | √ | X | X |
Statement of experience in equine internal medicine | X | X | X | √ |
List of clinical facilities and expertise available in the current institute | X | X | X | √ |
Copies of all supporting publications with English summaries. | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Copies of any correspondence with the ECEIM Board | √ | √ | X | √ |
Evidence of attendance at ECEIM summer school | √ | √ | √ | X |
One or more letters of support from the applicant’s supervisor(s) MUST accompany all exam applications. The supporting documentation should attest to the following:
- The veracity of the information on case logs, training in related disciplines and other documentation of clinical experience.
- The applicant's proficiency, judgment and competence as a specialist and academic readiness to sit the examination.
- The commitment of the applicant to the constitutional objectives of the ECEIM.
- The moral and ethical standing of the applicant within the veterinary profession.
The supporting letters can either be included in the application pack or sent directly to the Chair of the Examination Committee.
Applicants have the sole responsibility for ensuring that these letters are delivered to the Education and Credentials Committee before the deadline of the 1st of July. Applications that are not supported by letters will not be considered by the Education and Credentials Committee.
Residents Appraisal Confirmation statements(s):
These represent confirmation and review of appraisals of your progress after approximately one third and two thirds of your training. These are obtained by submitting RDPs approximately annually (by the 1st July).
Individuals applying under Category 1 should consult the ECEIM training brochure for details of case log requirements to be completed during the ECEIM approved residency-training programmes. These requirements must be completed in full prior to applying for the examination.
The case log must contain the signatures from the supervising Diplomate(s) on every page.
At the time of the exam application, Category 2 applicants must also provide a case log using the forms available on the ECEIM website and a Statement of Experience using an ECEIM Residents Documentation Pack (RDP) form encompassing the same requirements that have been defined for an ECEIM residency-training programme as described in the ECEIM training brochure(pdf).
Conventionally, training is achieved through an approved standard or alternative residency training programme. Examination is also open to individuals who are either internationally recognised in their own right as outstanding in the field of equine internal medicine or have completed a residency-training programme that is internationally recognised as comparable to an ECEIM approved residency-training programme (eg ACVIM residency programme). Details can be found in the ECEIM training brochure or constitution.
ECEIM approved residency-training programmes require the resident to complete a minimal number of weeks in clinical training in equine internal medicine and related disciplines as set out in the Training Brochure. The RDP must be submitted with evidence that all rotations have been completed prior to submission of the exam application. It is essential that signatures from all supervising Diplomates verifying completion of all clinical rotations are obtained for the exam application; applications without all of the signatures will be rejected.
ECEIM approved residency-training programmes require the resident to to attend a minimum number of major conferences, hospital rounds and seminars and to give a minimum number of presentations as set out in the Training Brochure. The RDP must be submitted with evidence that these conference and presentation requirements have been completed prior to the exam application.
Individuals applying under Category 2 must complete a Statement of Experience and provide documentation that they have completed a residency-training programme that is internationally recognised as comparable to an ECEIM approved residency-training programme. Category 2 applicants require signatures from supervisors of both the candidate’s rotating internship (or equivalent) and the candidate’s residency-training programme to document that both phases have been completed.
Category 2 applicants must provide a description of the nature and scope of their caseload including details of the numbers of cases and the facilities available to them for practicing clinical equine internal medicine.
Before applying for the exam, candidates must have fulfilled publication requirements that are set out in the Training Brochure(link is external).
A list of journals approved by the ECEIM Education and Credentials Committee is available on the ECEIM website "APPROVED JOURNALS LIST".
Applications must include digital copies of all publications. English summaries or abstracts are required if papers are submitted in any language other than English.
All correspondence to and from the ECEIM by the applicant or by the candidate's supervisor(s) or others on behalf of the applicant must be appended to the application (including copies of any email correspondence that has been received or sent).