Diplomate recertification 2023
To all Diplomates who are recertifying in 2023,
One of the improvements associated with our new ECEIM website is a reduction in having to download/ and upload various documents and forms including the recertification form; this will all be replaced with online webforms integrated within our website and the personal accounts. Since the new website is not quite finished, the Board and ECC are requesting that Diplomates wait for the new website to be completed before completing and submitting recertification applications.
An impression of the new website.
The Board and ECC also want to remind all Diplomates who are recertifying that the letters of reference are no longer required. In the recertification application webform, there will be a statement on the cover page to be answered (along with the other statements to be answered) in which the Diplomate is asked to declare that 'I am of good professional standing'.
Thank you,
ECEIM President