Specialist Webinar: Thermoregulation in horses
The next educational Specialist Webinar developed by ECEIM's ATAC committee in conjunction with Boehringer Academy is scheduled for
7th of June
18.30 GMT
19.30 Central European Summer Time (CEST)
and is titled:
Thermoregulation in horses
Impact on daily training and competition
presented by
Carolien Munsters, exercise physiologist, PhD
(Equine Integration and Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
This webinar is aimed at those with a specialist interest in equine exercise physiology, performance horses and thermoregulation and was designed especially for ECEIM specialists and residents, but is open to all equine vets with an interest in equine internal medicine.
Carolien Munsters is an expert on equine exercise physiology and is (co-) author of many scientific publications in this field. She has founded her company Moxie Sport in 2010, which is now named Equine Integration.
By translating scientific knowledge into practice, Carolien Munsters helps riders and coaches to improve their performance. Carolien supports and advises top athletes, passionate amateurs, coaches and trainers in the field of equine exercise physiology. Based on innovative measurements practices and competitions are analysed. The results are translated to an appropriate advice, or a personalised training program to optimize athletic performance and to keep your horse healthy and fit. Carolien has guided, among others, the Olympic eventing team, show jumping and dressage teams and was able to contribute to the Olympic Games in London, Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo 2021. Equine Integration also supports international horses and riders in various disciplines to European and World Championships. Besides Equine Integration Carolien is also active as a researcher at the Faculty of veterinary medicine (Utrecht university) and as an embedded scientist in the equestrian sport for the Dutch Olympic committee (NOC * NSF). During this webinar she will discuss the thermoregulation of sport horses and the impact on daily training and competition.
The webinar is approximately 50 minutes long and after the screening of the webinar there will be a live Q&A session, so don’t miss this valuable opportunity to put your comments and questions directly to Carolien Munsters.
To view this webinar, you must first register with Boehringer Academy at https://www.boehringer-academy.co.uk. Please register well before the live screening of the webinar in order for the application to be completed.
If you cannot join us for the live screening, the webinar will be archived to view on-demand on the Boehringer Academy website.
Kind regards,
Dr. Esther W. Siegers, DVM, Dipl.ECEIM
Webinar liaison of the ECEIM Advanced Training Advisory Committee (ATAC)